Discover the Thermo Scientific Apreo SEM

The most versatile high-performance SEM



Apreo’s revolutionary compound lens design combines electrostatic and magnetic immersion technology to yield unprecedented resolution and signal selection. This makes Apreo the platform of choice for research on nanoparticles, catalysts, powders, and nanodevices, without compromising on magnetic sample performance.

Apreo benefits from unique in-lens backscatter detection, which provides excellent materials contrast, even at tilt, short working distance, or on sensitive samples. The novel compound lens further improves contrast with energy filtering and adds charge filtering for imaging of insulating samples. The optional low-vacuum mode has a 500 Pa maximum chamber pressure for imaging even the most demanding insulators.

With all these options, including the compound final lens, advanced detection, and flexible sample handling, Apreo’s performance and versatility will meet your research challenges for many years to come.

View this webcast and discover Apreo’s features in more detail. Learn how it achieves its excellent resolution and contrast on a wide variety of samples and conditions.

In this webcast:

  •  Discover how the unique compound final lens design improves both materials contrast and resolution—enabling improved imaging results even on charging samples.
  •  Find out how Apreo’s in-column backscatter detector captures intense BSE signal, providing excellent materials contrast at a variety of beam currents and at any tilt angle.
  •  Hear about Apreo’s unique analytical capabilities for a range of techniques and experiments.

Learn more about achieving expert results—even for novice users—through advanced user guidance, presets, and undo functionality.


Watch now!

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